Are you about to become self-employed? Taking the plunge and starting your own business is exciting and terrifying at the same time. One of the hardest aspects of your new lifestyle to adapt to may be no longer assuming the role of an employee and instead being your own boss. There is definitely an art to being self-employed and one
Do you feel like you’re slowly losing touch with the person you used to be as your business grows? We understand your company is important to you and that the workload seems endless sometimes but it is vital for you to carve out some time for yourself and your family. From leaving your marketing plan at the door when you
If you’re looking to start your own business, there are five essential skills you are going to need. No matter how good your business plan is nor your sales strategy, running a business is a task which requires a multitude of skills and capabilities. If you have all five of the below skills and a great business idea, you are
If you’ve been trading for many years and have a steady customer base, well done. But as the commercial world expands and and the marketplace becomes more crowded, it may be time to consider modernising some of your business strategy. Every business can benefit from the new capabilities and tactics brought to the modern business world and with a small